Measuring what matters is an increasing challenge for local councils as they are required to move away from narrow unit cost into areas of outcomes and social value. This is particularly true for social care where finding ways to quantify… Read more »
Central and local government
Bridgend County Borough Council: Ensuring money spent in the local economy stays in the local economy

Bridgend County Borough Council worked with NEF Consulting in the Upper Llynfi Valley – an area facing long-term economic challenges. The project sought to build economic literacy, facilitating action planning workshops to ensure that a new market square development brings… Read more »
North Kesteven District Council: Distinctiveness can help engage local stakeholders in developing a sense of local identity

North Kesteven District Council (NKDC) commissioned NEF Consulting to investigate how the council and residents could improve the sustainability and identity of Sleaford town centre. Through use of appreciative inquiry surveys, local stakeholders identified those assets of Sleaford that matter… Read more »
Twickenham Town Centre Management Board: Distinctiveness can make all the difference between local success and failure
This specialist study evaluated the degree of ‘clone town’ status and the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that Twickenham faces with regards to its distinctive assets and local sourcing. We were commissioned to cross-examine best practice from other similar towns,… Read more »