NEF Consulting provides robust analysis, design and mapping of national, regional and local labour markets. We provide analyses of issues such as:

  • Job quality and pay.
  • Skills and qualifications.
  • Impacts of Covid-19, decarbonisation, and automation.  

Our analysis and research of labour markets supports:

  • Insight-led communication strategies and campaigns to leverage change nationally.
  • Local and regional strategies for jobs, skills, and business support. 

Who we work with…

  • Charitable trusts and foundations with a focus on the labour market.
  • Unions in their work on conditions, pay and skills within the labour force.
  • Professional bodies, membership organisations, and community organising or campaigning groups.
  • Investigative governmental commissions.
  • Combined authorities, local economic partnerships (LEPs), London borough councils, other local authorities.

Building a better future with good quality green jobs

We work with you to:

  • Leverage change in the labour market with the support of robust analysis and research.
  • Develop local strategies to support the creation of good quality, green jobs that pay a living wage.  

How we work with you

Our approach is collaborative, working closely with your teams, and is likely to include:

  • An initial meeting to explore key themes.
  • Discussions of key methodological decisions, informed by preliminary analysis.
  • Presentations of interim and final results.
  • Digestible reports and excel databanks to underpin key research findings.

Our work on labour markets

Examples of where we have supported recent projects include:

  • Analysis of the prevalence of low-paid, insecure work in the UK over the past 20 years to support the insight-led communications strategy of the Living Wage Foundation. The findings were informed by an analysis of the impact of the coronavirus crisis on low-paid insecure work.
  • Intersectional analysis of the impact on earnings of the coronavirus crisis, by gender, race, and sector.
  • An analysis of low-paid, insecure work in the UK to support the launch of the Living Wage Foundation’s Living Hours Accreditation scheme (2019)
  • Labour market analysis for council clients across the UK that examine indicators of pay and job quality by sector, to inform and support local industrial strategy.

See our case studies page for examples which we will be adding shortly.  In the meantime please contact us for more information.

New Economics Foundation

NEF aims to create a new economy that works for people and within environmental limits. We are guided by three missions:

A new social settlement
To ensure people are paid well, have more time off to spend with their families, and have access to the things we all need for a decent life.

A Green New Deal
A plan for government-led investment to reduce the carbon we emit and boost nature, while creating a new generation of jobs.

The democratic economy
To devolve state power and transform ownership of the economy to give everyone an equal stake in the places where we live and work.

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