News & Blog

Urban and rural development

Parks are for everyone

Green space is important for wellbeing but in poorer areas visits to parks have dropped. Official government guidance during lockdown advises us to ​“enjoy nature” and exercise outside once a day. When accessing green spaces, people should ​“stay local” while keeping ​“at least two metres apart

Charities and volunteering

Women in crisis and the coronavirus

In our research for the Help through Crisis programme, we looked at gendered causes of crisis, emerging themes, and how they relate to the coronavirus pandemic. A decade of austerity has left our welfare system ill-equipped to respond to the

Volunteers in crisis support
Health and community services

Volunteers alone cannot fill the gap

The coronavirus pandemic has underscored the need for a universal safety net. The government’s 2020 budget, and subsequent measures, tried to bring in temporary changes to social security and “do whatever it takes” to respond to the threat of coronavirus.

Trauma in crisis
Charities and volunteering

A trauma informed approach in crisis support

Author: Tiffany Lam, Consultant, NEF Consulting Many people, including those who seek crisis support services, have experienced trauma. It may be more prevalent than we think. 1 in 3 adults in England have experienced trauma. And in the UK, 31%

Environment & Climate Change

Bristol airport: inconsistencies in the case for expansion

Plans for expansion of Bristol Airport may have overestimated benefits to the region by £280 million. The business case for the expansion of Bristol Airport may have significantly overestimated its economic benefits, and underestimated its social and environmental costs, a

Charities and volunteering

SROI of the Guide Dogs’ habilitation service

Social Return on Investment of the Guide Dogs’ habilitation service at Jordanstown School The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association (Guide Dogs) commissioned NEF Consulting to undertake a Social Return on Investment (SROI) analysis to help them to understand the

Environment & Climate Change

Visitor impact on an area of outstanding natural beauty

The Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty commissioned NEF Consulting to measure and assess the economic and social wellbeing benefits and the environmental impacts of six visitor sites. The aim was to assess the impact of

Health and community services


NEF Consulting were commissioned by NHS England to undertake the second phase of a project begun in 2017 aimed at better understanding the economic case for support to carers. The work involved developing a cost-benefit model which can be populated

Health and community services

Unpaid care isn’t free

MODELLING THE SOCIOECONOMICS OF CARE It is now widely recognised that Britain’s army of unpaid carers, family and friends of those with care and support needs, contribute the equivalent of over £57bn in service to our community each year. What is less

Charities and volunteering

Improving frontline crisis support

HELP THROUGH CRISIS Help through Crisis (HtC) is a £33 million National Lottery funded programme set up by The National Lottery Community Fund, the largest funder of community activity in the UK. Help through Crisis supports 69 partnerships across England

Charities and volunteering


FareShare commissioned NEF Consulting to establish a monetary value for the socio-economic impact of  the redistribution of surplus food to frontline charities and community groups. These include homeless hostels, breakfast clubs, lunch clubs, day centres, community cafés and more. FareShare