News & Blog

Health and community services

New report on the social value of investing in dementia 

The Health Innovation Network, Academic Health Science Network for South London, has published a report proving that the positive social value of peer support groups for people with dementia, their carers and volunteers can be far greater than the investment.

Central and local government

Leading the fight for fairness

By Sarah Lyall, Researcher, Social Policy, New Economics Foundation. The most intriguing developments in reducing inequality and poverty are happening in local, not national, government. In Plymouth, as in much of the rest of UK, empty homes purchased as second

London for All programma LVSC
Central and local government

LVSC: What to consider when planning to measure your social impact

Lessons from the third sector in London By Rosie Maguire, Senior Consultant, NEF Consulting. At the end of 2014, NEF Consulting developed and delivered training around measuring social impact for LVSC, the collaborative leader of London’s voluntary and community sector.

Early childhood development
Charities and volunteering

Bridging the gap: linking immediate changes to long term impact

AUTHOR: Rosemary Maguire, Senior Consultant, NEF Consulting. Most research on the effects of Early Childhood Development projects in a development setting focuses on the long term impact that is created. You wouldn’t assume there’s a problem there, right? With so

Local authorities: Commissioning for outcomes

We have a training course for local authorities on commissioning for outcomes and co-production.  Click here for more details. NEF has also published a practical guide, Commissioning for Outcomes and Co-production aimed at local authorities. NEF’s approach to commissioning provides a framework, a set of principles and

Central and local government

Visionary public services: a how-to commissioning guide

Photo credit Nick Page. NEF’s approach to commissioning provides a framework, a set of principles and practical guidance to re-assess how services are currently provided. It can help to re-focus services on the outcomes that really matter to those who

How a city-wide approach to employment support works

AUTHORS: Rosemary Maguire and Natalie Nicholles. Statistics on unemployment are never far from newspaper headlines; the number of people out of work, the number of people on benefits, the success (or otherwise) of government programmes, the type of people on

Well-being at work report

Wellbeing at work: 5 things every employer should know

Photo credit:  Ronny-André Bendiksen MARCH 26, 2014 // BY: KAREN JEFFREY Wellbeing is in the news again, thanks to new Cabinet Office research into which jobs make us happiest. The findings show that legal professionals (earning on average £75k) report lower average life satisfaction

Prince's Trust logo
Charities and volunteering

Prince’s Trust

Case study: Prince’s Trust: 40 life-changing years Over the last 40 years the Prince’s Trust has helped change the lives of hundreds of thousands of disadvantaged young people across the UK. Today, three in four young people on their progammes

Kirklees Council: Growing Social Capital in Kirklees

Measuring what matters is an increasing challenge for local councils as they are required to move away from narrow unit cost into areas of outcomes and social value. This is particularly true for social care where finding ways to quantify