Nicola Lynch



Nicola Lynch is an independent evaluator and social value consultant working across the UK and Ireland. Until recently, Nicola was the National Lead on Civil Society for Social Value UK and is qualified to Advanced Practitioner status by Social Value International. Her work is informed by the best principles of stakeholder-empowered qualitative research. She supports organisations to understand, articulate, measure and maximise their impact through the application of the social value principles – putting people and planet first.

Previously, Nicola has worked in senior management positions in civil society organisations across a range of sectors including community development, mental health, employment and skills and youth offending. She was the founding director of a social enterprise providing early years childcare.

Nicola is a regular speaker at events and an experienced trainer on a range of topics, including Theory of Change, relevant to improving impact delivery, measurement and management. She delivers NEF’s training on Theory of Change.

Training delivery:

Creating a Theory of Change

New Economics Foundation

NEF aims to create a new economy that works for people and within environmental limits. We are guided by three missions:

A new social settlement
To ensure people are paid well, have more time off to spend with their families, and have access to the things we all need for a decent life.

A Green New Deal
A plan for government-led investment to reduce the carbon we emit and boost nature, while creating a new generation of jobs.

The democratic economy
To devolve state power and transform ownership of the economy to give everyone an equal stake in the places where we live and work.

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