Perry is an innovator of participatory methods that anyone can use. He led the development of Democs, a conversation game enabling small groups to explore complex policy issues like climate change or nanotechnology, to shape and share opinions, and to provide feedback for policymakers. Until 2011, he was head of the Democracy and Participation programme at NEF.
More recently, he created Open Up!, an ‘argument map’ that provides a structured way of setting out arguments on an issue. He is currently evolving Policy Slam!, a workshop format incorporating the consensus voting method. He has also designed and facilitated numerous participatory projects including: future search conferences; Imagine, a workshop-based visioning process using appreciative story-telling; and the People’s Café project, discussion cafes for a range of people, including those with learning difficulties.
Perry has MAs in economics from Cambridge and from Birkbeck. He is on the board of Involve.
- 2011, Connected Conversations: Tackling big issues by linking small conversations, London: new economics foundation
- 2010, Crowdwise: Turning differences into effective decisions, London: new economics foundation