Lancashire Wellbeing Service SROI

Lancashire Wellbeing Service (LWS) commissioned NEF Consulting to undertake a Social Return on Investment (SROI) analysis to  understand the social value generated from its activities.


The Lancashire Wellbeing Service (LWS) was set up in 2015 to provide support for adults with multiple long-term health conditions, low level emotional health concerns, or lifestyle or social issues.

Lancashire Wellbeing Service is funded by Lancashire County Council and delivered by a consortium of three established charities: Age Concern Central Lancashire, Richmond Fellowship & n-compass.

The outcomes

Our SROI analysis shows that LWS creates positive impacts for its service users, for their family members, and for associated partner services of LWS.

For every £1.00 invested in the scheme, £7.00 is generated in social value. By capturing value in this way, we can show how services that focus on wellbeing can produce significant benefits, even if these are not typically listed on the balance sheet as ‘profit’.

LWS has been able to produce improvements in all measured outcomes across the stakeholder groups. The fact that LWS engages with so many service users (approximately 11,000 annually) means that the overall social value created is high, relative to the investment in the scheme.


LWS will use this model to embed learning. Following a walk-through of the model with service providers, we expect that it will be used by LWS going forward, to guide the future development and evaluation of services.

Click here to read the Executive Summary of the report.

For more information about the Lancashire Wellbeing Service visit their website.

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