Poverty and low income in a Surrey borough

A recent NEF report uncovered pockets of rising poverty in Elmbridge where poverty and disadvantage exist under the radar. Borough-wide, there are fewer low-income residents than in many other areas of England. Digging under the surface, however, reveals that Elmbridge has pockets of poverty and low income as well as signs that the situation has worsened in recent years.

In 2021, 6.5% of children were in relative poverty Elmbridge-wide, compared to 15% in the Molesey West ward of Elmbridge. And child poverty has been increasing at a faster rate in those parts of Elmbridge that were already poorer. Since 2015, relative child poverty grew by 1.7% across Elmbridge. In the same period, Molesey West saw a 4% increase in child poverty.

While Elmbridge is a pleasant place to live on several fronts, it has hidden challenges. Despite perceptions, poverty and low income sit under the radar.

Elmbridge is an expensive place to live. The borough has been expensive for some time, but matters have worsened in recent years as the price of essentials continues to outpace wages. Median house prices, for example, have grown to over 14 times median earnings, and rents are correspondingly high. The median rent on a two-bedroom property is now over 40% more than the national median.

In-work poverty, unemployment, inadequate housing

The majority (75%) of families with children living in poverty in Elmbridge are working families. While wages are higher on average than elsewhere, there is a problem with hours, especially for parents, due to the cost of childcare. Parents face a stark choice: sacrifice hours and earnings to avoid paying sky-high care fees or work longer hours and lose extra earnings to care costs. For single parents, in particular, this acts as a poverty trap with few routes out. There is also a higher pay gap in Elmbridge.

Finally, while rates of unemployment are declining after a large spike during the pandemic, the number of Elmbridge residents claiming unemployment-related benefits is still over 27% higher than pre-pandemic levels, with those aged 20 to 34 claiming at a higher rate than any other group. For households without a wage from work, support from universal credit and other benefits falls far short of what is needed for a socially acceptable standard of living.

Those without enough to make ends meet face a range of hardships. Residents are putting up with inadequate housing conditions, while the high cost of rent and utilities means there is little left for other essentials, including food. Residents are increasingly relying on food bank support, skipping meals, and going hungry. The stress of life without adequate means is taking its toll on wellbeing and mental health.

But there is much that can be done

Despite the challenges of life on a low income in Elmbridge, there is much that local people and organisations can do by working together to ensure that the borough is a better place to live for everyone, from social action and service delivery to campaigns and advocacy to affect policy change. Drawing on the views of residents, we recommend spreading awareness of pre-existing support with the cost of living, extending support to cover childcare fees and taking additional measures to bring down the cost of care, developing opportunities for residents to grow their employment skills and experience, exploring the possibility of a Surrey wage weighting scheme, and advocating for action to increase the stock of truly affordable housing in Elmbridge.


Image: Maxim Fesenko (iStock Photos)