Context, barriers and opportunities for community housing in the north-east

Research within the Reclaiming Our Regional Economies (RORE) programme looked at potential community-led housing solutions at a local level which can meet local needs. A NEF report, A Piece of the Housing Puzzle, presents the findings and recommendations.

At least 8.5 million people are in acute housing need, with record numbers on social housing waiting lists, in temporary accommodation, and experiencing homelessness. The north-east’s experience of the housing crisis is worsening rapidly. In 2023, the highest number of residents in a decade were on the social housing waiting list, increasing by over 50% on average since 2022. The increase in Sunderland was a staggering 523%.

For the RORE research, NEF drew on the lived experience of those involved in community housing initiatives. They found that while current community housing activity is small, there is an appetite for community housing in the north-east. However, significant barriers exist which prevent community housing projects offering long-term sustainable alternatives to existing housing tenures. Most significantly, financial instability pervades the sector, with the lack of secure funding for housing projects curtailing their success and longevity. There is evidence that the small scale of community housing initiatives and the current inability to expand due to funding and capacity are significant barriers. Key themes also emerged which show how the sector can work more effectively to achieve housing equity. These centre on collaboration, sharing best practice and addressing the inequalities which permeate both community organisations and access to safe, secure and affordable housing.

The RORE research addresses a gap in understanding of the potential role that community housing can play in the north-east, and identifies some potential solutions to localised housing stress.

Reclaiming Our Regional Economies (RORE) is a five-year programme developed by NEF, the Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES), Co-operatives UK and the Centre for Thriving Places (CTP). RORE is funded by National Lottery Community Fund, Power to Change, Friends Provident Foundation and Barrow Cadbury Trust.

Download the report here.

Find out more about this research here.