Our associates

We work with external associates who have a wide range of expertise and experience. Many have previously worked for the New Economics Foundation.

The following associates work with us regularly. For more details, click on their image or name below. For details of the internal team, return to the Our People page.

If you would like to contact one of our associates about potential work, please contact us in the first instance.

We rarely appoint new associates but, if this is of interest to you, please contact us with full details, examples of projects and references.  Please keep in mind we are only likely to respond if we have a current requirement. 

Helen Sharp


Nicola Lynch


Anke Winchenbach - website

Anke Winchenbach


Tim Goodspeed


Yiorgos Papamanousakis


Oliver Kempton

Envoy Partnership

Rosie Maguire


Howard Reed

Howard Reed


Adam Wilkinson


Perry Walker


New Economics Foundation

NEF aims to create a new economy that works for people and within environmental limits. We are guided by three missions:

A new social settlement
To ensure people are paid well, have more time off to spend with their families, and have access to the things we all need for a decent life.

A Green New Deal
A plan for government-led investment to reduce the carbon we emit and boost nature, while creating a new generation of jobs.

The democratic economy
To devolve state power and transform ownership of the economy to give everyone an equal stake in the places where we live and work.

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